DAT-Schaub is a workplace with passion for perfection – here, we all work passionately for creating a more sustainable future for food. 

We want to help our new employees to succeed and, therefore, we want to give all new employees the best possible start in the organization. In short, we want you to feel that you belong, make a difference and create value for the business as a whole, as soon as possible. 

We will help you along the way, but we need your help as well. As a new employee, you have an important responsibility both in connection to your first period in DAT-Schaub, but also in your future career here with us. 

We expect that you actively contribute to your own onboarding, just as we hope you will be curious and investigative to your own continued development. Thus, we hope for you curiosity, openness, and receptiveness.  

Onboarding – takes time and requires open dialogue  

We look forward to you starting in DAT-Schaub and you can expect us to have a plan ready for you. The following is both a guide for you and your future manager so both of you are aware of what elements you should go through as a new employee in DAT-Schaub. In order to succeed the best possible way with your onboarding, we must promise each other ongoing dialogue and openness about your needs, so we together can create the best possible conditions for your first period. You know your worth. So do we.

The image below is an example of what your onboarding journey might look like.


All eyes and ears on you – when you need it


Dialogue with manager


Performance & Development Plan


Engagement survey

We care about your development as much as you do.  

Your feedback, openness and honesty are important to us, because you know best how we support you and your needs. On the short term, we encourage our managers to have an ongoing 1:1 dialogue about your well-being, current work tasks, and possible challenges and priorities. Feel free to make request and recommendations to your manager and use the dialogue for continuous alignment of mutual expectations.

As a company, DAT-Schaub is constantly evolving, and we are constantly met by new expectations and demands from customers, consumers, stakeholders and governmental authorities. If we are to meet these demands and our ambitious strategy, we must all know our role in achieving the strategic ambitions: What results should I deliver and how do these results relate to my own development and learning? To ensure this, you and your immediate manager hold a PDP (Performance & Development Plan) interview every year, with the purpose of supporting you and your manager in aligning expectations, setting clear goals and giving each other feedback. 

Every second year, Danish Crown Group conducts an engagement survey “CHECK”. The survey is used as a communication tool and must contribute to all employees being motivated and committed to their work. Together with you manager, you may find work areas that requires extra focus in order to create a great workplace for you and your colleagues – and we do this through feedback and good dialogue between employees and managers.

Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct

In DAT-Schaub, our Code of Conduct has 8 rules to be followed by all managers and employees. These rules set the direction for how we want to run and develop our business.

The 8 rules of conduct revolve around our relationship with colleagues and other stakeholders, the development of our business and the way we act hereupon, the pursuit of the highest standards in food safety and sustainable solutions, respect for human and labour rights, responsibility for work safety and compliance with laws and regulations in all countries.
Code of Conduct

Important apps

There are some essential apps which we ask you to download on your phone:

  • Outlook
  • Teams
  • Acubiz
  • Authenticator
Important apps

Questions? Please contact HR or your immediate manager